The Ambassador of the Prairie Aviation Museum

                            The story of our Douglas DC-3 "N763A, Ser. 4894




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1942    March 11                     Manufactured by Douglas Aircraft as a C-53.  Construction # 4894

March 20                     Accepted by United States Navy at the Norfolk, VA Naval Air Station.  Assigned to the UA-1 (Fleet Tactical Support).

 1945   September 12              Service from Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, FL.

 1946    January                       Service from Naval Air Station in New York, NY.

            February                      Reassigned to Fleet Air Wing, Headquarters 5.

April                             Joined the U.S. Marines, Headquarters MAG 21 (Marine Air Wing).

May                             Service from the Hedron MAW 21 (Marine Air Wing).

August                          Stricken from duty.

 1946    March 12                     Sold by the United States War Assets Administration to Continental Airlines, registered as N7326.

1949    August 31                     Sold to Southern Airlines.

1957    May 14                        Registration changed by Southern to N70SA.

1966    August 25                     Sold to National Aircraft Sales of Dallas, TX.

1967    August 22                     Sold to Jack Richards Aircraft, Registered as N763A.

1968    January 23                   Sold to H.H. Coffield’s Rockdale Flying Service of Rockdale, TX.

1983                                         Sold to Tradewinds Aircraft of San Antonio, TX.

1984   February                       Sold to Prairie Aviation Museum, Restored to ferry flight condition by Bill Wilson and son’s Stan and Wade in TX.

           November 19            Flown by PAM members George Carpenter, Bill Left and Dave Maisak to the Bloomington-Normal Airport.



1985    April                          Preservation including corrosion removal and exterior and interior cleaning by PAM members.

September 16            Loaned to Ozark Airlines.  Restoration of exterior to Ozark colors by Ozark Airlines.  Used for their 35th Anniversary Celebration and open house.

December 15            Returned to PAM display area for complete flight service restoration.

1996    April 20                     After a lengthy restoration period.  N763A appears at PAM open house.

1998   October                     N763A becomes the first DC-3 to be listed on the Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places.  

                                              At the same time it also becomes the only flight operational aircraft on the National Register!.






  Prairie Aviation Museum        

  P.O. Box 856                         

  Bloomington, IL  61702


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Prairie Aviation Museum is a non-profit corporation, and is certified as an educational organization IRS Code 501(c)(3)